Mind Control in the 21st Century

While it may sound like something from science fiction, humans have finally found a way to do mind control. Yes, you heard it right here, we have finally done it.

In 2019, Elon Musk initiated his plan to create a chip that would be implanted into a human brain with his company Neuralink. This chip could be used to send signals from our brain to computers. While this may sound simple, it proved to be quite complicated. The project was not completed until earlier this year. Musk’s company announced that it had completed the project early this year. The chip was implanted into the brain of then 30 year-old Noland Arbaugh.

Noland Arbaugh
Arbaugh was left paralyzed after jumping into a man-made lake when he was younger. Noland Arbaugh has reportedly said that the chip has made his life so much better. He is able to do so many everyday tasks that he was not able to do previously. However, he has also said that the chip comes with its complications and that there is room for improvements. He has not necessarily specified so we can only assume.

How it Works
The official name of the chip is “The Link.” It record neural signals from the brain and transports it to outside devices such as computers. And no, it does not work with the fridge or TV. The chip is placed surgically in the brain. It has 1,024 electrodes that transport information with a system that is similar to bluetooth. You can control devices by using your thoughts. For example, thinking about where to move your cursor will do just that.

“The Link” has received varying reviews from critiques. There is a portion of the population that believes this is revolutionary technology. Others believe that this is unethical. The supporters think that it helps disadvantaged people like Arbaugh himself. They believe it helps make opportunities more accesible for everyone. The opposers are saying that it takes away privacy. Of course, the chip can read every single thought that you have. Some fear that it may one of the first major stages to AI taking over the world. What do you think about this?

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