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The Science of Aging

         Aging is considered inevitable. All living things must undergo the cycle of life, from the...

Genetic Modification: The Nutrient Decline and Increased Sugars

In the past, fruits were celebrated as nature’s perfectly balanced treats, packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and natural sweetness...

Why are chickens the closest living relatives to dinosaurs?

Chickens = Dinosaurs Everyone has once heard that chickens are the closest living relative to dinosaurs. If you are like me, you were...

Do cats have facial expressions? – Here are some different aspects

Do cats have specific facial expressions? Research shows they do. But they are not what we generally expected. For humans, what control our...

All about Goodpasture syndrome

Ernest Goodpasture first discovered Goodpasture syndrome in 1919 while studying the influenza pandemic. It is a rare autoimmune disorder...

Are fruits just as bad as candy? The truth about Natural sugar VS Added sugars.

Are fruits really a healthier alternative to candy, or do they impact our bodies in similar ways? This article delves into the science...

Understanding Animal Emotions

            Ever wonder, specifically, what your dog is feeling when they wag their tail at you? Most people just assume they’re feeling...

Why Can We Treat Earth as a Point Mass? Newton’s Shell Theorem

Calculus plays a vital role in physics, especially when dealing with seemingly complex systems like the gravitational force of massive...

The San Andreas Fault Zone

Have you ever walked around your community and noticed a giant crack on the road? That could possibly be a fault, which might be similar to...

Silent Signals: The Hidden Language of Plants

Have you ever considered the possibility of”consciousness” in other living things? While they lack mouths and ears, plants have...