The Science of Aging

         Aging is considered inevitable. All living things must undergo the cycle of life, from the tiniest hedgehog to the great bowhead whale. Given, the maximum lifespan for these animals is different, as the hedgehog at most lives 3 years while the bowhead whale can live up…


All about Goodpasture syndrome

Ernest Goodpasture first discovered Goodpasture syndrome in 1919 while studying the influenza pandemic. It is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the kidneys and the lungs. In this article, you will learn more about Goodpasture syndrome and what having this autoimmune disorder entails. Table of Contents Overview…


Understanding Animal Emotions

            Ever wonder, specifically, what your dog is feeling when they wag their tail at you? Most people just assume they’re feeling happy, but your dog could be feeling a much wider range of emotions than you think. In general, the lion with its pride in the…


Silent Signals: The Hidden Language of Plants

Have you ever considered the possibility of"consciousness" in other living things? While they lack mouths and ears, plants have developed a way of communicating with one another through chemical signals, electrical impulses, and underground networks. Their communications warn each other about pests, adapt to environmental changes, and…


Equine therapy: Healing with Horses

Equine therapy, also known as horse-assisted therapy or equine-assisted therapy, is a therapeutic practice that uses the unique connection between humans and horses to improve physical, mental, and emotional support. This innovative approach has gained popularity worldwide due to its unique twist on traditional methods for a wide varity of populations.


Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine

            Did you know that cows were at the heart of the very first vaccine ever created? The word "vaccine" actually comes from the Latin word vacca, meaning cow, because Edward Jenner used cowpox to protect humans against smallpox in 1796. While vaccines continue to revolutionize human…


The Future of Veterinary Medicine in Animal Care

Imagine this: in the next few years, your pet's next doctor might not be a person at all. As artificial intelligence continues to lead the wave of technological innovation, it is bound to have a heavy impact on every single aspect of human life. And veterinary medicine…