Why is the cure to cancer so elusive?

Throughout the generations, there has been one common thing that scientists have been trying to discover and that is the cure to cancer. In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium and polonium. Soon, both elements are used as a form of cancer treatment. It was one step near success. However, this did not prove to be a hundred percent effective. Cancer is still deadly and feared.

The question is not whether we solved cancer, but rather why is it so difficult to cure cancer. The truth is that cancer arises from each individual’s cell. It is like a unique password that each individual has for the same system. This means that there could be eight billion different forms of cancer. Of course, no one is trying to find the cure to each individual form. rather, we are trying to find a singular cure to the whole group.

As time continues to pass, cancer, the genetic mutation continues to transform, and becomes even more difficult to cure.

It is important that we support all those who are currently going through cancer treatment and those who are researching for it. Every year, more than $145 million dollars are donated towards cancer research. We need to continue this trend if we want to save millions, if not billions of lives in the future.

While we may not know the cure to cancer cancer yet, we do know some ways to help prevent it. For starters, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, eat nutritional foods, and do not smoke.

I for one remain hopeful and know that one day, we will discover the cure. How about you?

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