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Time Travel: Fact or Fiction?


The idea of time travel has spread like wildfire across the world , it has been inspiration for numerous different movies and books like Back to the future and doctor who ;But is it actually possible. What if you could change the past or the future? Time travel continues to be a wild dream of the science community , but the question still remains , could it be a reality.

What is time travel ?

Time travel is the concept of moving between two different points of time , like going back to 1988 , or moving fast ahead in the the future like the year 2100. In essence it would allow a person to visit the past or the future , for themselves relative to the rest of the universe ; But is it actually possible? Could science one day make this fiction a fact?

Aspects of time travel

To understand this complex idea further we need to understand the two movements through time. Forward time travel and backward time travel

Forward time travel

The idea of moving forward in time is a intriguing idea , but is it possible?. Many theories have suggested this is possible using Einstein’s theory of relativity and a phenomena called time dilation

Time dilation is the phenomena which says As you approach the speed of light, time slows down relative to a stationary observer; Another way to say it would , be if someone or something is in motion relative to you their clocks or their time would be slower relative to you , this effect increases as one approaches the speed of light(negligible at normal speeds). This is called time dilation. For example, if someone were to travel in a spaceship at 99.9% of the speed of light for a year (from their perspective), decades or even centuries could pass on Earth by the time they return. This is forward time travel, where the traveler would “jump” into the future.

Practical Example

Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are moving at very high speeds (about 7.66 km/s), and because of this, they experience a minuscule amount of time dilation. While it’s only a fraction of a second difference over a year, it demonstrates that time dilation is real, though we would need far greater speeds for noticeable forward time travel.

Backward time travel

The idea of backward time travel is far more speculative and confusing , than forward time travel as forward time travel has physical possibilities backward time travel leads to various logical and causal problems. Some theories in physics hint at the possibility, but none have been proven experimentally. Although there is one theoretical method to time travel through space using something called a Wormhole. Wormholes are interlinkages or passages between 2 galaxies and are passages through space and time , a easier way to visualize them would be to imagine a bridge connecting 2 different cities , they can said to be warps through space and time.

These are hypothetical bridges between two points in spacetime. If one end of the wormhole moves at nearly the speed of light, or if it is placed in a strong gravitational field, time might pass differently on either side, potentially allowing backward travel. However, this requires matter with negative energy known as “antimatter” to keep the wormhole stable, which is purely theoretical . But lets say backward time travel is made possible in the near future , However will the interactions of two entities from different points in time affect us?


Backward time travel introduces several paradoxes, the most famous being the grandfather paradox. This occurs when someone travels back in time and alters an event in such a way that it affects their own existence. For example, if a time traveler prevents their grandparents from meeting, they would never be born, but if they’re never born, they couldn’t have traveled back in time in the first place. What will this cause? How can one exist and not exist all at once.

Timeline switch

In terms of our grandfather paradox, example the time traveler should exist and not exist all at once , the universe would notice this distortion in space and time ,and this would cause something called a timeline switch (Timeline switches are a theoretical solution and are not proven by experimental evidence. They are used in science fiction and speculative discussions to address time travel paradoxes.) where for the axis of time and space to achieve equilibrium a action would occur to remove this distortion this would be done by completely switching the current axis of time , to a different one and create a new reality , where the time traveler may not exist in the first place or where the time traveler may not be related to the grandfather this switch would allow the original timeline to continue unaffected.

This idea hints into a deeper and greater philosophical idea known as Consciousness Switch.

Consciousness Switch

This involve the idea that instead of physically traveling through time, a time traveler’s consciousness or awareness might switch into an alternate version of themselves in a different timeline. This means that while the physical body remains in one timeline, the consciousness moves to a parallel or alternate version of reality. This means that If a time traveler changes events in the past, creating a paradox, their consciousness might switch to a different version of themselves in a new timeline created by the changes. This would mean that the original timeline remains unaffected by the traveler’s actions, and the paradox is resolved because the traveler’s consciousness now exists in a timeline where their actions don’t create a contradiction.

Physical Limitations of time travel

The idea of time travel , however glamorous it may sound has way too many physical constraints for it to be possible right now.

Travelling at the speed of light

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, traveling at or near the speed of light (approximately 299,792 kilometers per second) is required for significant time dilation (traveling to the future). However, achieving such speeds is currently beyond our technological capabilities and may be fundamentally impossible due to the enormous amounts of energy required.

2.Mass increase

Another one of the constraints is the increase in mass , as a object approaches speed of light , its mass starts to increase exponentially due to the extreme energy gained while traveling at that speed For a massive object like a spacecraft or human, this becomes practically unachievable.

Energy Requirements

To achieve speeds close to the speed of light or to manipulate spacetime in a way that allows time travel, we would need an immense amount of energy. For example, accelerating a spacecraft to near-light speeds would require energy levels far beyond what we can currently produce or harness.

The only way to achieve that energy is through the interactions of matter and something known as Antimatter. Antimatter has negative energy which paired with normal matter generates enormous amount of energy that may make this possible , although scientists have not found way to do it yet.


Time travels is a complex and imaginative ideas offering tantalizing glimpses into the possibilities of physics. Time travel being a theoretically possible idea has certain physical limitation that do not allow our modern technology to be able to execute this phenomena. While forward time travel, supported by Einstein’s theory of relativity and time dilation, seems theoretically feasible, backward time travel remains highly speculative due to its associated paradoxes and the need for antimatter. Despite groundbreaking theories like wormholes , backward time travel remains at a even lower possibility , due to its extreme physical and technological boundaries. As our understanding of physics evolves, so too will our grasp of time travel’s potential. For now, time travel remains a captivating concept in science fiction, inspiring both wonder and critical inquiry into the nature of time and reality

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  1. Arshiya Arora


  2. Harsha Malaviya

    Amazing article

  3. Vachi

    Epic ✨✨

    1. Aradhya Arora


  4. Ayaan Kapoor

    My dude

  5. Shadow

    I am gay

  6. Shadow

    this is so nice mujhse shaadi karle

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